Saturday, May 2, 2009


Senator Robert Bennett should not run for reelection.

Neither should Senator Hatch.

Age is the least of my concerns with Bennett. And Hatch.

Both rationalized willingly the Bush administration's military mistakes and curtailments of the Bill of Rights. They were both downright enthusiastic about Iraq which, putting it nicely, killed off thousands of men, women and children who had nothing to do with 9-11. They didn't complain at all when the Bush administration increased military spending for the illusion of security. They supported deficit spending when the Bush administration expanded the military or bailed out the financial sector.

Many Republicans in Utah want leaders who will fight Obama's welfare state / creeping fascism (government control of private industry). However, the Senators from Utah both approved increased budgets and earmarks when they began to expand in the Bush Administration. President Obama may set the exalted standard, but it began under Bush with both of these Senators as enablers.

Suddenly in the Obama administration, Bennett and Hatch have become fiscal conservatives and pro-Constitutional rights again. Neither of them is fooling anybody.

This is not South Carolina. We have plenty of interesting public servants in Utah from which to choose. No senator should serve more than three terms.

Thank you for your Service Senator Bennett. No thanks to another term.

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