Thursday, June 25, 2009


Happy UnFathers Day

In his 19 June column Garrison Keillor said of Fathers Day that it has more to do with cheap commercialism than it does about fathers. I would put it this way: Fathers Day has everything Mothers Day has – plus more cheap commercialism and less sincerity.

I am 53 and have never once been wished a Happy Fathers Day, just because I never reproduced.

So I eat a meal at a restaurant by myself alone to celebrate UnFathers Day.

Entirely too many think of Fatherhood strictly in a biological sense.

Jesus never reproduced biologically, so far as anyone can tell, John Brown’s sexual fantasies notwithstanding, and the yet the New Testament is full of references to him as a spiritual father.

George Washington never reproduced, and yet we still call him the Father of the Country.

Abraham Lincoln never fathered any slaves and yet many former slaves thought of him as Father Abraham.

Even before my friend Richard adopted a daughter two years ago, he had the spirit of fatherhood about him.

Creativity is fatherhood.

Sound advise is fatherhood.

Mentoring is fatherhood.

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