Saturday, August 8, 2009


So when liberals gather up an unruly crowd it is "community organizing" and when conservatives gather up an unruly crowd it is a "mob?"

This is America -- he who gathers the biggest crowd wins.

The participants in 8 August’s Take Back Utah demonstration should understand for an average west coast or eastern Senator or Representative, voting to turn Utah, Idaho, and Wyoming into a wilderness rates as the sure-fire way to appear environmentally friendly without actually doing something that harms the economic interests of those region.

Concerning mining Utah's coal leases and drilling Utah's oil leases: It is true the proponents of biofuels have mislead the public. We need all the ground we can get to feed earthlings — not grow luxury fuels. It is also true that hydrogen cannot fuel our needs: we can’t store it safely and hydrogen take too much energy to produce. So we need coal and gas for the foreseeable future.

That said

both coal and oil are 19th century fuel technologies, if not earlier. Soon we will find replacements that work. We do not want Utah to be the 21st century West Virginia. Therefore, we should be careful not to tear up Utah’s gorgeous scenery for the short term profit of nineteenth century technology.

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