As I listened to President Obama’s remarks about The Crimea Ukraine Crisis, and as I read the remarks on-line, it occurs to me that Our President is the biggest hypocrite on this particular subject.
The United States of America has for centuries “influenced”, interfered with, and meddled with small nations bordering it and surrounding it. It has military bases all over the planet, including Guantanamo on the east shore of Cuba. It has intervened in all sorts of small close-by countries for all kinds of dubious reasons. Those dubious reason rarely actually helped the natives in the long view.
The USA has recently invaded countries that were technically closer to the Russian sphere of influence than the American sphere – Iran, Afghanistan. The results of that adventure on the local natives has not yet been completely positive.
If the USA can intervene in small close-at-hand nations, then Russia obviously has the right to intervene in small bordering nations.
If the European Union wants Ukraine under its positive influence instead of the negative Putin Russia influence, the European Union will have to distribute more than just its weight in words.